Monday, February 08, 2010

follow your dream!

ok so i keep trying to follow my dream but it seems to be running away from me!!!

seriously, i mean to write on here every day but the hours in the day just escape from me. now i could write all night long but then when would i sleep? every time i close the laptop and put the lights out the words come into my head, words that are itching to be written down, the trouble is that i do need to sleep sometimes.

perhaps all i need to do is organise myself, set aside the time to write when nothing else is happening ~ trouble is the words all leave me when i have nothing to do, only to crowd back in when i am at my busiest. inspiration and time need to make friends and run hand in hand for this to work. ever sat at a keyboard and just looked, wondering where the words are hiding and why they can't make the short distance from you fingertips to the keyboard, after all, they've done the hard bit from your brain and all down your arms, is there a road block in your hands?

and then just when you log out of the blog to check your gas bill you suddenly think of something that would look so great, if only you could remember it by the time you get back here!!!

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