Wednesday, September 09, 2009


why is it that words escape? just before i go to bed these words form great stories and i assume they will line up in my head like all good words should do, maybe it's stupid of me but i hope they will remain in line until the following morning when, after getting a few hours of much needed shut eye, i will collect them up and frog march them into my blog. instead i find nothing, total blank space looking a bit like ................................................... that (had to insert dots or there was no space) only so much bigger. throughout the day odd words jump back in to my conscious mind but they are usually out of sync and if written down would look like an unmade jigsaw dropped from a great height. so i trawl through the day, trying to collect the words and assemble them into good order but it's a bit like trying to get 100 cats to do what you want at the same time - impossible!

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